I have just happily forked out 79 pee to iTunes to download one of the many available ringtones of my daughter Emily singing with her group Voces8 to serve as a motivating wake-up alarm on my phone. Only when I first employed it did I recall that when living en famile her early morning coloratura […]
So nice Geoffrey Howe dies and the popular press cannot resist gleefully reporting that this unfortunate event occurred shortly after attending a jazz concert. Hmmm. I suppose it’s inevitable that it will emerge that this happened just after a drum solo of thirty one and bit bars or after the bandleader said “yes, alright then […]
All About The Bass..
The Andy Dickens Band has been asked back to give a concert in the remarkably beautiful Milton Abbey during the International Choral Course Week held there by Voces8 http://www.voces8.com/ Open to the public, tickets for the evening of Thursday 28th July 2016 will be available later. On the evidence of last year, there will be […]
I’m In the Nude for Love….
Honoured indeed to be asked for the third year to open the popular Naturist Jazz & Real Ale Fest 2016 on Friday June 24th with my quintet. This is a wonderful and quite different festival with lots of great artists from across the jazz spectrum – and lots of great beers. The band will be […]